
Ophthalmology Online Marketing Solutions

Attract New Ophthalmology Patients Online

Today, marketing moves at the speed of the Internet. Users want information lightning fast, and they need that information to be valuable. Your practice's website should be full of relevant and interesting content that attracts potential patients. One way to do this is through targeted marketing pages, also known as procedural marketing.

Strategic Medical Web employs a multi-pronged online marketing strategy for your ophthalmology practice, with targeted marketing as one piece of that strategy. By using standalone pages aimed toward specific procedures, you can target subsets of your desired demographic and bring them directly to your website.

When a patient searches for a specific ophthalmology procedure, our "micro-pages" show up separately in their search engine of choice. We use certain keywords, search engine optimization, and paid ads tailored to your budget. Then, these pages rise toward the top of search engines and lead potential patients to the exact information they're looking for.

Give Your Patients Exactly What They Need

Your potential ophthalmology patients are not only looking for a reputable and quality practice, but also one local to their community. Today's patients go online to search for medical professionals with excellent reputations and informative websites. When they perform a local search and your web page shows up near the top of their search results — with the exact procedure they're trying to find information about — your practice immediately projects professionalism and trustworthiness.

Your standalone pages should discuss your ophthalmology procedures to give potential patients a sense of comfort and knowing what to expect. And, with your contact information front and center, it easily turns a visitor into a new patient.

Strategic Medical Web's team creates expert content about ophthalmology specialties and diseases of the eye, including:

  • Glaucoma
  • Diseases of the cornea
  • Ophthalmic pathology
  • Ophthalmic reconstructive surgery
  • Neuro-Ophthalmology
  • Vitreoretinal diseases

By coupling specific procedures with search engine optimization, your practice can become the priority local search result for prospective patients.

Target Your Online Pages and See Results

Adding micro-pages to your ophthalmology website leads potential patients to the specific information they need — right on the first page of search results. The experts at Strategic Medical Web are ready to help you meet your marketing goals. Contact one of our representatives at 1-1-800-508-4489.