Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery Online Marketing Solutions

Targeted Online Marketing for Plastic Surgeons

At Strategic Medical Web, we don't consider your online marketing strategy complete unless you're using targeted marketing. Also called procedural marketing, we use singular, standalone pages to draw potential patients directly to their desired information — at your medical practice. These pages also give them easy access to your practice's contact information, allowing them to interact with you immediately.

Your potential plastic surgery patients are looking for state-of-the-art, local medical professionals. They don't want to waste their time sifting through pages of useless search results to find someone local and reputable. Using targeted Internet marketing in tandem with your main website and pay-per-click ads leads potential patients straight to your practice — and straight to the procedure they're searching for. Giving them the opportunity to find more information with just one click makes your site convenient, and prospective patients enter your web page already in a positive state of mind.

Next, Provide Valuable Information

Plastic surgery concerns procedures featuring one's appearance, which makes a patient's search for a surgeon more important than ever. Not only are they looking for someone reputable and talented, but they're also looking for information to reassure them. If they click on your page and find procedure-specific details, your website becomes a source of knowledge and a trustworthy surgery practice.

Your standalone procedure pages should discuss your plastic surgery procedures so potential patients know exactly what to expect and feel comfortable contacting you for more information. Explaining what your plastic surgeons and consultants do, as well as explaining the procedures you perform, gives Internet searchers a value-added experience that most medical practice websites don't.

Strategic Medical Web's team write knowledgeably about plastic surgery procedures such as:

  • Breast reconstruction
  • Congenital defect repair
  • Burn repair
  • Scar repair/surgery
  • Hand surgery
  • Extremity surgery

We understand sometimes cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery are used interchangeably, and sometimes they aren't. So, of course, we always tailor our pages to your specific practice. With this amount of information coupled with a high search ranking, your practice becomes the most important local search result for prospective patients.

Target Landing Pages to Find New Patients

Adding targeted, stand-alone landing pages to your practice's website offers potential patients the exact information they're looking for — right on the first page of search results. The experts at Strategic Medical Web are ready to help you meet your targeted marketing goals. Contact one of our representatives at 1-800-508-4489.